The Importance of Teaching Your Child About God at an Early Age
Teaching a sense of spirituality, faith, and belief in God from an early age can have lasting benefits and save children from external harmful beliefs.
Stan graduated from the University of South Carolina. He is President of Palmetto Sales…A sales and marketing firm in Charlotte, North Carolina. He considers himself an entrepreneur at heart. He loves sports and is an avid scuba diver.
Stan and his wife Donna reside in Charlotte, North Carolina and attend Calvary church. They are the founders of Friends for Special Needs a non-profit organization Christian ministry. The goal of the organization is to share God’s love by help those that can’t help themselves. Also, “we try to put smiles on the faces of those with special needs through events and activities”. We are proud Friends for Special Needs has given away over 500 illustrated Bibles to the special needs in our community. Also, recently Friends for Special Needs was given the award for the “Best Faith” organization in Charlotte, North Carolina. We are humbled by God’s grace and are so thankful to our supporters and volunteers. Since the loss of their only child, Kelly, Stan and Donna like to say they now have an extended family of over 500 special needs friends. Visit our website www.friendsforspecialneedsnc.org They are truly blessed! Stan and Donna enjoy traveling in their spare time.
To reach young people with the good news of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.
She’s sweet, loving, and cares infinitely about her only son, Kelly.
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He was a great father and had meaningful conversation with his son, Kelly.
Pastor Seley is a great man. He was proud of Kelly for making the most important decision of his life.
He loved his Mom and Dad and his cat named Winnie. Most of all, he loved Jesus.
Read our articles and blogs for further details on the topics of Jesus and how to teach your kids about God.
Teaching a sense of spirituality, faith, and belief in God from an early age can have lasting benefits and save children from external harmful beliefs.
The idea of God’s love for his followers and believers is the main subject of religious teachings and faith. God’s love is defined as unconditional,